Every 3rd Sunday, 11:00am 'till 3:00pm
Walt Disney's Barn Public Day
Walt Disney's Carolwood Barn, Los Angeles Live Steamers area Griffith Park, Los Angeles
The Barn is open to the public every third Sunday of the month. Check the Barn Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/WaltDisneysBarn/ for updates.
Walt Disney's Barn Museum, the original Santa Fe & Disneyland Combine Coach, and Ollie Johnston's Victorian Train Depot, are open for public visiting from 11 am to 3 pm, every 3rd Sunday. Informative volunteer Barn Crew members are on hand to describe the history and contents. Often, Disney veterans and Legends drop by for chats and autographs. Parking and admission are free. Free will donations are accepted by the Carolwood Foundation. Directions and additional information available here.
The 2025 Carolwood Society UnMeeting - Date TBD
Details will be forthcoming soon. Members will be contacted directly with a save-the-date email once the plans are solidified.
We’re looking forward to gathering again to celebrate Walt Disney’s personal and railroad legacy! To view registration information, you must be logged in to a current Society member account. Once you are logged in, go UnMeeting under the Club 173 tab on the main site masthead.
Have an event to post? Email roundhouse (at) carolwood.com and your request will be submitted for approval.